SlackBuilds Repository

15.0 > Academic > stellarsolver (2.4)

stellarsolver Astrometric Plate Solver

stellarsolver is a cross platform SEP-based star extractor and internal astrometric solver. Also refered to as
Plate solving or Astrometric calibration of an astronomical image,
this is a technique used in astronomy and applied on celestial images.
the astrometric solution it is possible to calculate the celestial
coordinates of any object on the image or synchronize the telescope
mount or satellite pointing position to the center of the image taken.

stellarsolver is required to compile Kstars with INDI support.

This requires: wcslib

Maintained by: Edward W. Koenig
Keywords: astrometric,solver,INDI,libindi,kstars
ChangeLog: stellarsolver


Source Downloads (64bit):
stellarsolver-2.4.tar.gz (a4a92e7c2dc296d7fcbc814134d45886)

Download SlackBuild:
stellarsolver.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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