Do you have a sample or template SlackBuild script that I can use as a guide?
The download link for the source tarball is not working - now what?
There's a newer version of some app in the repository - who do I tell?
For what release of Slackware are these scripts designed? Will they work on newer versions?
Why don't you provide scripts that work with the Slack/390 or ARM ports of Slackware?
I have problems compiling with my unofficial and unsupported multilib setup.
Do you provide precompiled packages from your SlackBuild scripts?
Why don't you provide a way to resolve dependency information automatically in your scripts?
I have problems building some scripts from the repository. Are there any solutions?
There are a lot of different JDKs in the repository. Which one should I use in my script?
I have a Python-based script that i want to submit. What is the naming standard for SBo?
How do i validate my scripts before submitting to SBo project?
I have experience with git. How do i contribute to SBo project using git?
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