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15.0 > Libraries > rapidjson (1.1.0)

RapidJSON is a JSON parser and generator for C++. It was inspired by 

- RapidJSON is small but complete. It supports both SAX and DOM
style API. The SAX parser is only a half thousand lines of code.

- RapidJSON is fast. Its performance can be comparable to strlen().
It also optionally supports SSE2/SSE4.2 for acceleration.

- RapidJSON is self-contained and header-only. It does not depend on
external libraries such as BOOST. It even does not depend on STL.

- RapidJSON is memory-friendly. Each JSON value occupies exactly 16
bytes for most 32/64-bit machines (excluding text string). By
default it uses a fast memory allocator, and the parser allocates
memory compactly during parsing.

- RapidJSON is Unicode-friendly. It supports UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32
(LE & BE), and their detection, validation and transcoding
internally. For example, you can read a UTF-8 file and let RapidJSON
transcode the JSON strings into UTF-16 in the DOM. It also supports
surrogates and "\u0000" (null character).

Maintained by: Jeremy Hansen
Keywords: json,parser,sax,dom,c++
ChangeLog: rapidjson


Source Downloads:
rapidjson-1.1.0.tar.gz (badd12c511e081fec6c89c43a7027bce)
googletest-ba96d0b1161f540656efdaed035b3c062b60e006.tar.gz (b629364cd39a2dd886d449d9559da0f1)

Download SlackBuild:
rapidjson.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Individual Files:

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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