SlackBuilds Repository

15.0 > Games > vms-empire (1.17)

The ancestor of all 4x (expand/explore/exploit/exterminate) games.
Empire is a simulation of a full-scale war between two emperors,
the computer and you. Naturally, there is only room for one, so the
object of the game is to destroy the other. The computer plays by
the same rules that you do. This game was ancestral to all later
expand/explore/exploit/exterminate games, including Civilization
and Master of Orion.

Maintained by: Dimitris Zlatanidis
Keywords: empire,islands,console,game
ChangeLog: vms-empire


Source Downloads:
vms-empire-1.17.tar.gz (bda055731de0b98db3b805a983148fb4)

Download SlackBuild:
vms-empire.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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