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15.0 > Python > python3-aiosmtpd (1.4.6)

python3-aiosmtpd - An asyncio based SMTP server

The Python standard library includes a basic SMTP server in the smtpd
module, based on the old asynchronous libraries asyncore and asynchat.
These modules are quite old and are definitely showing their age;
asyncore and asynchat are difficult APIs to work with, understand,
extend, and fix.

With the introduction of the asyncio module in Python 3.4, a much
better way of doing asynchronous I/O is now available.
It seems obvious that an asyncio-based version of the SMTP and related
protocols are needed for Python 3.
This project brings together several highly experienced Python
developers collaborating on this reimplementation.

This package provides such an implementation of both the SMTP and LMTP

Full documentation is available on

This requires: python3-attrs, python3-atpublic

Maintained by: Yth - Arnaud
Keywords: python,smtp,async,mailman
ChangeLog: python3-aiosmtpd


Source Downloads:
aiosmtpd-1.4.6.tar.gz (d9d2a7c9aff2d7a579c6d20777930a71)

Download SlackBuild:
python3-aiosmtpd.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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