SlackBuilds Repository

15.0 > System > redis (7.2.5)

Redis is an advanced key-value store.  It is similar to memcached but
the dataset is not volatile, and values can be strings, exactly like in
memcached, but also lists, sets, and ordered sets. These data types can
be manipulated with atomic operations to push/pop elements, add/remove
elements, perform server side union, intersection, difference between
sets, and so forth. Redis supports different kinds of sorting

Maintained by: Yth - Arnaud
Keywords: redis,database,key-value store
ChangeLog: redis


Source Downloads:
redis-7.2.5.tar.gz (b2a5dde2024516d431fc1e4f360020b3)

Download SlackBuild:
redis.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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