SlackBuilds Repository

12.1 > Misc

Name Version Updated On
asr-manpages 1.3.6 2008-11-30
beep 1.2.2 2008-04-16
biosdisk 0.75 2008-05-16
bsdsfv 1.18 2008-04-16
cksfv 1.3.13 2008-10-06
clawsker 0.5.0 2008-06-28
dwdiff 1.4 2008-07-28
funny-manpages 1.3.5 2008-11-30
gcolor2 0.4 2008-05-13
gnome-doc-utils 0.12.2 2008-04-16
gxmessage 2.6.2 2008-04-16
iscan-firmware 2008-04-16
iscan-proprietary-drivers 2008-08-27
keychain 2.6.8 2008-04-16
krename 3.0.14 2008-04-16
kvm 78 2008-11-05
matchbox-common 0.9.1 2008-04-16
qstat 2.11 2008-05-25
recode 3.6 2008-04-16
rlwrap 0.30 2008-04-16
rng-tools 2 2008-07-25
rsnapshot 1.3.0 2008-04-16
torrentinfo 1.0.1 2008-09-26
xclip 0.11 2008-10-08
xsel 1.2.0 2008-06-08
zaptel 1.4.11 2008-09-02

Validated for Slackware 12.1

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