SlackBuilds Repository

12.2 > Libraries

Name Version Updated On
Archive-Zip 1.23 2008-12-09
BeautifulSoup 2009-03-17
CEGUI 0.6.2 2008-12-17
CherryPy 3.1.2 2009-04-15
ClientForm 0.2.10 2009-03-16
Crypt-SSLeay 0.57 2008-12-09
DevIL 1.6.8_rc2 2008-12-09
DirectFB 1.0.1 2008-12-09
FormEncode 1.2 2008-12-20
FreeImage 3.11.0 2008-12-09
GConf 2.26.0 2009-03-27
Impacket 2009-04-02
Mako 0.2.4 2009-06-17
Net-SSLeay 1.35 2008-12-17
ORBit2 2.14.17 2009-06-02
OpenAL 1.7.411 2009-03-23
OpenSceneGraph 2.8.0 2009-05-10
PyXML 0.8.4 2008-12-09
PythonDaap 0.7.1 2009-04-13
QuantLib 0.9.7 2009-01-04
QuantLib-Python 0.9.7 2009-01-15
SDL_Pango 0.1.2 2008-12-09
SDL_gfx 2.0.19 2009-05-15
SDL_perl 1.20.0 2008-12-09
SOAPpy 0.11.6 2009-03-17
SQLObject 0.10.4 2008-12-20
X11-haskell 1.4.5 2009-03-25
afflib 3.3.4 2008-12-09
agg 2.5 2008-12-28
allegro 4.2.2 2008-12-10
amanda 2.5.2p1 2008-12-09
ant-contrib 0.6 2009-06-03
apache-ivy 2.1.0_rc1 2009-06-02
argtable 2.9 2008-12-09
aubio 0.3.2 2008-12-09
babl 0.0.22 2008-12-09
barry 0.14 2008-12-09
blas 3.2.1 2009-06-21
bsddb3 4.7.6 2009-06-14
c-ares 1.6.0 2009-05-28
cairomm 1.6.4 2008-12-09
cbase 1.3.4 2008-12-25
cddb-py 1.4 2009-03-03
cdk 5.0_20090215 2009-05-15
chardet 1.0.1 2009-04-23
chmlib 0.39 2008-12-09
clearsilver 0.10.5 2008-12-09
cln 1.2.2 2009-03-14
clucene 0.9.21b 2008-12-09
commoncpp2 1.7.3 2009-04-16
confuse 2.6 2008-12-09
cpufrequtils 005 2008-12-09
cracklib 2.8.13 2009-04-26
cryptopp 5.6.0 2009-04-18
cssutils 0.9.6a4 2009-06-07
db46 4.6.21 2009-05-21
decorator 2.3.1 2008-12-09
dnspython 1.6.0 2009-04-06
e_dbus 2009-04-25
eaccelerator 2008-12-09
ebook-tools 0.1.1 2008-12-09
ecore 2009-04-25
edje 2009-04-25
eet 1.2.0 2009-04-25
efreet 2009-04-25
eina 2009-04-25
embryo 2009-04-25
enca 1.9 2009-03-24
evas 2009-04-25
exempi 2.1.0 2009-02-06
exiftool 7.67 2009-05-22
exiv2 0.18.1 2009-04-29
exo-notify 0.3.4 2008-12-09
ffcall 1.10 2008-12-09
fftw 3.2.1 2009-02-16
fltk 1.1.9 2009-05-18
fox-toolkit 1.6.34 2008-12-16
fpconst 0.7.3 2009-03-08
freealut 1.1.0 2008-12-09
ftgl 2.1.3_rc5 2008-12-09
gail 1.22.3 2009-05-31
gdal 1.6.0 2008-12-25
gdk-pixbuf 0.22.0 2009-05-04
gegl 0.0.18 2008-12-09
geos 3.0.0 2008-12-09
giblib 1.2.4 2009-05-24
ginac 1.5.1 2009-03-16
glew 1.5.1 2008-12-22
glibmm 2.16.4 2008-12-09
gnet 2.0.8 2008-12-09
gnome-python 2.22.3 2009-01-03
gnome-python-extras 2.25.3 2009-03-22
gnustep-back 0.16.0 2009-01-08
gnustep-base 1.18.0 2009-01-08
gnustep-gui 0.16.0 2009-01-08
gnustep-make 2.0.7 2009-01-08
goffice 0.7.0 2008-12-09
gsl 1.12 2008-12-27
gsnmp 0.2.0 2008-12-09
gst-ffmpeg 0.10.4 2008-12-09
gst-python 0.10.12 2008-12-09
gtk-qt-engine 0.8 2008-12-09
gtkglarea 1.99.0 2008-12-09
gtkglext 1.2.0 2008-12-09
gtkhtml 3.18.3 2009-06-03
gtkmm 2.12.7 2008-12-09
gtksourceview 2.6.0 2009-04-01
guichan 0.8.1 2008-12-09
guile-gtk 2.1 2008-12-09
hdf5 1.8.3 2009-05-18
iaxclient 2.1beta3 2009-04-20
icu4c 4.0.1 2009-02-05
id3lib 3.8.3 2008-12-09
ilmbase 1.0.1 2008-12-09
imlib2 1.4.2 2009-05-24
iso-codes 3.8 2009-04-20
jasper 1.900.1 2008-12-09
javacomm 2.0 2009-02-21
json-glib 0.6.2 2009-01-02
json-py 3.4 2009-03-24
karma-sharp 0.1.0 2009-04-06
lablgtk 2.10.1 2008-12-09
lame 3.98.2 2008-12-09
lapack 3.2.1 2009-06-21
lensfun 0.2.3 2009-03-12
libAfterImage 1.18 2009-01-09
libapreq2 2.12 2009-06-03
libarchive 2.7.0 2009-04-20
libast 0.7 2008-12-09
libatomic_ops 1.2 2008-12-09
libavc1394 0.5.3 2008-12-09
libbonobo 2.24.1 2009-05-31
libbonoboui 2.24.1 2009-05-31
libburn 0.6.2 2009-02-25
libcompizconfig 0.7.8 2008-12-09
libdaemon 0.13 2008-12-16
libdbi 0.8.3 2009-04-23
libdbi-drivers 0.8.3-1 2009-04-23
libdc1394 2.1.1 2009-06-01
libdca 0.0.5 2008-12-09
libdiscid 0.2.2 2009-01-20
libdockapp 0.6.2 2009-05-03
libdv 1.0.0 2008-12-09
libdvbpsi 0.1.6 2008-12-16
libdvdcss 1.2.10 2008-12-09
libdvdnav 4.1.3 2008-12-09
libdvdplay 1.0.1 2008-12-09
libdvdread 4.1.3 2008-12-09
libeXosip2 3.2.0 2008-12-09
libebml 0.7.8 2008-12-09
libedit 20090111_3.0 2009-03-23
libelf 0.8.11 2009-05-28
libesmtp 1.0.4 2008-12-09
libetpan 0.57 2008-12-09
libevent 1.4.11 2009-06-30
libewf 20080501 2009-04-21
libexif-gtk 0.3.5 2008-12-09
libffi 3.0.5 2008-12-09
libflashsupport 20080328 2008-12-09
libfprint 0.0.6 2008-12-09
libfwbuilder 3.0.4 2009-05-31
libgadu 1.8.2 2009-05-12
libgdiplus 1.2.4 2008-12-09
libgeotiff 1.2.5 2008-12-09
libghttp 1.0.9 2008-12-09
libgksu 2.0.7 2008-12-27
libglademm 2.6.6 2008-12-09
libglpng 1.45 2008-12-09
libgnome 2.24.1 2009-01-03
libgnomecanvas 2009-01-05
libgnomecups 0.2.3 2009-06-03
libgnomeprint 2.18.6 2009-06-03
libgnomeprintui 2.18.4 2009-06-03
libgnomeui 2.24.1 2009-05-31
libgtop 2.24.0 2008-12-27
libical 0.43 2009-02-15
libiec61883 1.2.0 2009-03-25
libinklevel 0.7.3 2008-12-16
libiptc 1.4.2 2009-05-17
libisoburn 0.3.0 2009-01-05
libisofs 0.6.12 2008-12-21
libixp 0.4 2008-12-09
libkate 0.3.3 2009-05-11
libkdcraw 0.1.8 2009-04-29
libkexif 0.2.5 2009-06-30
libkexiv2 0.1.9 2009-04-29
libkipi 0.1.6 2008-12-09
liblinebreak 1.1.1 2009-03-10
liblo 0.26 2009-05-04
liblqr 0.3.1 2009-04-27
liblrdf 0.4.0 2008-12-09
libmatchbox 1.9 2008-12-09
libmatroska 0.8.1 2008-12-09
libmcrypt 2.5.8 2008-12-09
libmimedir 0.5.1 2009-03-12
libmirage 1.1.1 2008-12-09
libmms 0.4 2008-12-09
libmp3splt 0.5.4 2009-01-26
libmp4v2 2008-12-09
libmpcdec 1.2.6 2008-12-09
libmpd 0.17.0 2009-01-02
libmpeg2 0.5.1 2008-12-09
libmspack 0.0.20060920alpha 2008-12-09
libmusicbrainz 2.1.5 2009-01-19
libmusicbrainz3 3.0.2 2009-05-01
libnet 1.1.4 2009-06-14
libnetfilter_conntrack 0.0.99 2008-12-16
libnetfilter_log 0.0.16 2009-05-20
libnetfilter_queue 0.0.16 2008-12-27
libnfnetlink 0.0.41 2009-03-30
libnids 1.23 2009-04-01
libnl 1.1 2009-05-31
libnotify 0.4.5 2008-12-09
libnxml 0.18.3 2008-12-21
libofa 0.9.3 2009-01-19
libofx 0.9.1 2009-02-10
liboop 1.0 2008-12-09
libopenraw 0.0.7 2009-05-15
libopensync 0.22 2008-12-09
libopensync-plugin-kdepim 0.22 2008-12-09
libopensync-plugin-syncml 0.22 2008-12-09
libosip2 3.2.0 2008-12-09
libotf 0.9.9 2009-05-17
libotr 3.2.0 2009-03-11
libpano13 2.9.12 2008-12-09
libpar2 0.2 2008-12-09
libpri 1.4.3 2008-12-09
libproxy 0.2.3 2009-03-30
libpseudo 1.1.0 2009-05-26
libqalculate 0.9.6 2008-12-09
libquicktime 1.1.1 2009-03-16
librapi2 0.13.1 2009-03-11
librra 0.13 2009-03-12
librsync 0.9.7 2008-12-09
librtfcomp 1.1 2009-03-12
libsamplerate 0.1.6 2009-02-12
libsexy 0.1.11 2008-12-09
libshout 2.2.2 2009-01-01
libsigc++ 2.2.3 2009-05-23
libsmbios 0.13.10 2008-12-09
libsmi 0.4.8 2008-12-09
libsndfile 1.0.18 2009-02-12
libsoup 2.26.2 2009-06-30
libssh 0.2 2008-12-31
libssh2 0.18 2008-12-09
libstroke 0.5.1fvwm 2008-12-09
libsynce 0.13 2009-03-10
libsyncml 0.4.6 2008-12-09
libtasn1 1.8 2009-06-02
libtorrent 0.12.0 2008-12-09
libtorrent-rasterbar 0.14.3 2009-04-28
libtunepimp 0.5.3 2009-01-19
libunique 1.0.8 2009-06-02
libv4l 0.5.97 2009-04-15
libvidcap 0.2.1 2009-03-11
libviper 2009-05-26
libvirt 0.6.2 2009-04-23
libvncserver 0.9.7 2009-02-20
libwbxml 0.10.4 2009-03-13
libwhisker2 2.4 2008-12-17
libwpg 0.1.3 2008-12-09
libwww-perl 5.825 2009-05-18
libxklavier 3.9 2009-04-20
libxmi 1.2 2008-12-09
libxml++ 2.24.2 2009-01-05
libzip 0.9 2008-12-09
libzrtpcpp 1.4.3 2009-04-16
locale-gettext 1.05 2008-12-09
logilab-astng 0.19.0 2009-05-01
logilab-common 0.39.0 2009-05-01
loudmouth 1.4.3 2008-12-09
lrmi 0.10 2008-12-16
lxml 2.2.1 2009-06-05
meanwhile 1.0.2 2008-12-09
mechanize 0.1.11 2009-04-06
mini18n 0.1 2009-06-05
mmpython 0.4.10 2009-02-13
mxml 2.6 2009-06-08
mysql++ 3.0.9 2009-02-13
netcdf 4.0.1 2009-04-21
nltk 0.9.8 2009-03-17
notify-python 0.1.1 2008-12-09
nss-mysql 1.0 2008-12-09
ode 0.11.1 2009-05-27
opal 3.6.2 2009-05-25
openbabel 2.2.0 2008-12-09
opencv 1.1.0 2009-03-12
openjpeg 1.3 2008-12-09
openmotif 2.3.0 2008-12-09
pcsc-perl 1.4.7 2008-12-09
pcsc-tools 1.4.14 2008-12-09
perl-File-Slurp 9999.13 2009-01-04
perl-IO-Socket-SSL 1.24 2009-06-18
perl-Net-LibIDN 0.12 2009-06-18
perl-cairo 1.043 2008-12-09
perl-digest-hmac 1.01 2008-12-09
perl-digest-sha1 2.11 2008-12-09
perl-event 1.11 2009-03-29
perl-extutils-depends 0.205 2008-12-09
perl-extutils-pkgconfig 1.08 2008-12-09
perl-glib 1.161 2008-12-09
perl-gtk2 1.161 2008-12-09
perl-html-parser 3.60 2009-05-18
perl-html-tagset 3.20 2008-12-09
perl-libintl 1.16 2009-03-29
perl-net-dns 0.65 2009-05-18
perl-net-ip 1.25 2008-12-09
perl-test-number-delta 1.03 2008-12-09
perl-trayicon 0.06 2009-02-22
perl-xml-libxml 1.64 2008-12-09
perl-xml-libxml-common 0.13 2008-12-09
perl-xml-namespacesupport 1.09 2008-12-09
perl-xml-sax 0.16 2008-12-09
pexpect 2.1 2008-12-09
pgtcl-ng 1.6.2 2009-06-12
physfs 1.1.1 2008-12-09
plib 1.8.5 2008-12-09
podofo 0.7.0 2009-05-25
ptlib 2.6.2 2009-05-25
purple-plugin_pack 2.5.1 2009-01-19
pyOpenSSL 0.8 2009-03-17
pyPdf 1.12 2009-03-17
pychm 0.8.4 2009-01-16
pycurl 7.19.0 2009-03-16
pyfltk 1.1.4 2009-05-18
pygame 1.7.1 2008-12-09
pygoogle 0.6 2009-03-17
pyorbit 2.24.0 2009-01-03
pyqt3 3.17.6 2009-01-12
pyqt4 4.4.4 2008-12-09
pytables 2.1.1 2009-05-18
python-cluster 1.1.1b3 2009-03-26
python-dateutil 1.4.1 2009-03-16
python-distutils-extra 1.92 2009-06-17
python-lastfm 0.1 2009-03-04
python-mpd 0.2.1 2008-12-09
python-musicbrainz2 0.6.0 2009-05-01
python-spidermonkey 0.0.5 2009-04-17
python-xlib 0.14 2008-12-09
pyusb 0.4.1 2008-12-09
pywebkitgtk 1.1 2009-06-17
pyxdg 0.17 2008-12-16
qt4 4.5.1 2009-05-01
quesoglc 0.7.1 2008-12-09
qwt 5.1.1 2009-01-29
raptor 1.4.18 2008-12-09
rasqal 0.9.16 2008-12-09
redland 1.0.9 2009-04-20
reportlab 2.3 2009-05-18
rhino 1_R2 2009-06-02
rlog 1.4 2008-12-09
rrdtool 1.2.19 2008-12-09
rxtx 2.0_7pre2 2009-02-21
sexy-python 0.1.9 2009-05-01
simplejson 2.0.9 2009-04-13
slib 3b1 2009-01-20
slv2 0.6.2 2009-02-12
soundtouch 1.3.1 2008-12-09
stfl 0.19 2008-12-09
swfdec 0.5.5 2008-12-09
taglib-extras 0.1.2 2009-04-30
tagpy 0.94.5 2008-12-16
tcllib 1.10 2008-12-09
td_lib 20061029 2008-12-09
tinyxml 2.5.3 2009-05-27
tls 1.6 2008-12-24
tre 0.7.5 2008-12-09
urwid 2009-03-13
virtualenv 1.3.3 2009-03-17
webkit r45012 2009-06-30
webkit-sharp 0.2 2008-12-09
wv 1.2.1 2008-12-09
wvstreams 4.4.1 2008-12-09
wxGTK 2.8.9 2008-12-09
wxPython 2009-03-02
wxX11 2.8.7 2008-12-09
xalan 2.7.1 2009-06-02
xalan-c 1.10.0 2008-12-09
xapian-core 1.0.13 2009-05-31
xerces 2.9.0 2009-06-03
xerces-c 2.8.0 2008-12-09
xlt 11.1.11 2008-12-09
xmlgen 1.4 2009-06-12
xmltv_prereq 8 2009-01-04
xmonad-contrib 0.8.1 2009-03-23
yaz 3.0.44 2009-04-01
zsi 2.1a1 2008-12-16
zziplib 0.13.54 2009-05-28

Validated for Slackware 12.2

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