SlackBuilds Repository

14.0 > Desktop

Name Version Updated On
Alphacube-GTK 0.5 2012-10-02 0.1 2012-10-02
ClipboardViewer 0.1 2012-10-02
CurseTheWeather 0.6 2013-07-17
PyPanel 2.4 2012-10-02
QtCurve-Gtk2 1.8.15 2012-10-02
QtCurve-KDE4 1.8.12 2012-10-02
SDL2_ttf 2.0.0 2013-08-31
Vanilla-DMZ 0.4 2012-10-02
Xfce-Theme-Manager 0.3.4 2013-08-04
afterstep 2.2.11 2012-10-02
anki 1.2.9 2012-10-02
avant-window-navigator 0.4.0 2012-10-02
awesome 3.5.1 2013-09-11
awn-extras 0.4.0 2012-10-02
bashrun 0.16.1 2012-10-02
bashrun2 0.2.2 2012-10-18
bmpanel2 20111207_5ad46c8 2012-10-02
cairo-compmgr 0.3.0 2012-10-02
cairo-dock 3.1.2 2013-02-13
cairo-dock-plugins 3.1.2 2013-02-13
catfish 0.3.2 2012-10-02
ccsm 0.8.4 2012-10-02
cellwriter 1.3.5 2012-12-23
cheser-icon-theme 3.8.0 2013-05-13
clearlooks-classic-themes 0.6.2 2012-10-02
clearlooks-phenix-theme 2.0.10 2012-10-02
clipit 1.4.2 2012-10-02
cmatrix 1.2a 2012-10-02
compiz-boxmenu 1.1.2 2012-11-27
cryptkeeper 0.9.5 2012-10-02
crystal 2.1.1 2013-03-10
crystalcursors 1.1.1 2012-10-02
cwp 1.8.1 2013-08-07
devilspie 0.22 2012-10-02
dmenu 4.5 2012-10-02
dwm 5.8.2 2012-10-02
dzen2 0.8.5 2012-10-02
e16 1.0.13 2013-04-30
echinus 0.4.9 2012-10-02
ede 2.0 2013-05-04
emerald 0.8.8 2012-10-02
emerald-themes 0.6.0 2012-10-02
enlightenment 0.17.4 2013-08-13
evilwm 1.1.0 2013-01-23
faenza-icon-theme 1.3 2013-02-18
faenza-xfce 0.2.1 2012-10-02
fbpanel 6.1 2012-10-02
ffmpegthumbnailer 2.0.7 2012-10-02
fusion-icon 20080213 2012-10-02
gmrun 0.9.2 2012-10-02
gnome-colors 5.5.1 2012-10-02
gnome-themes-standard 3.4.2 2012-11-24
gntp-send 0.3.2 2012-12-28
grun 0.9.3 2012-10-02
gtk-chtheme 0.3.1 2012-10-02
gtk-engines 2.20.2 2012-10-02
gtk-engines-unico 1.0.2 2012-11-24
gtk-kde4 0.9.5 2012-11-04
gtk-nodoka-engine 0.7.5 2012-10-02
gtk1-industrial-engine 0.2.36 2012-10-02
gtk1-theme-switch 1.0.1 2012-10-02
gtkman 0.6 2013-06-15
herbstluftwm 0.5.2 2013-07-23
hsetroot 1.0.2 2012-10-02
i3 4.2 2012-11-13
i3status 2.6 2012-12-20
icewm 1.3.7 2012-10-02
ideviceinstaller 1.0.0 2012-10-02
ion 3_20090110 2012-10-02
j4-dmenu-desktop 20130628 2013-06-28
josm 5608 2012-11-14
jwm 2.1.0 2012-10-02
kanyremote 6.1 2012-12-29
kbdd 0.6.2 2012-11-13
kcometen4 1.0.7 2012-10-02
kde-gtk-config 2.1.1 2013-01-03
kde44-oxygen-molecule 3.2 2012-10-02
kfaenza-icon-theme 0.8.9 2012-11-19
kover 4 2012-10-02
kwalletcli 2.11 2012-12-28
lxappearance 0.5.2 2012-10-02
lxde-common 0.5.5 2012-10-02
lxlauncher 0.2.2 2013-06-18
lxmed 20120515 2012-12-05
lxmenu-data 0.1.2 2012-10-02
lxpanel 20121126_06ad472 2012-12-09
lxpanel-xmms2 20100405_43aced1 2012-10-02
lxshortcut 0.1.2 2012-10-02
macopix 1.7.4 2012-10-02
maitreya 6.0.5 2012-10-02
menulibre 13.04.12 2013-04-24
menumaker 0.99.7 2012-10-02
metacity 2.34.0 2012-10-02
murrine 0.98.2 2012-10-02
murrine-themes 0.98.5 2013-06-29
musca 0.9.24 2012-10-02
netwmpager 1.11 2012-10-02
neutral 1.13a 2012-10-02
nitrogen 20120806_692fdf7 2012-10-02
notification-daemon 0.7.5 2012-10-02
obapps 0.1.7 2012-10-02
obconf git_cc7a188076 2012-10-02
obmenu 1.0 2013-03-02
openbox 3.5.0 2012-10-02
openbox-themes 1.0.2 2013-03-02
oxygen-gtk3 1.1.1 2013-01-03
parcellite 1.0.2rc5 2012-10-02
pclock 0.13.1 2012-10-02
peksystray 0.4.0 2012-10-02
pekwm 0.1.17 2013-07-16
pidgin-guifications 2.16 2012-10-02
pidgin-libnotify 0.14 2012-10-02
plasma-applet-daisy 2012-10-02
plasmaxplanet 0.1 2012-10-02
polar-cursor-themes 1.4 2012-10-02
protozoa-cursor-themes 20120114 2012-11-20
ptbatterysystemtray 1.0.0.rc2 2012-10-02
q4wine 0.999_rc8 2012-10-02
qlandkartegt 1.7.1 2013-07-21
qlipper 2.0.1 2012-10-02
qt-recordmydesktop 0.3.8 2012-10-02
qtwitter 0.10.0 2012-10-02
quadkonsole4 0.4.4 2012-12-15
quickaccess 0.8.2-2 2012-10-02
ratpoison 1.4.6 2013-04-09
razorqt 0.5.2 2013-01-20
recoll 1.18.1 2012-11-16
recorditnow 0.8.1 2012-10-02
recordmydesktop 2012-10-02
redshift 1.2 2012-10-02
rodent-icon-theme 5.0 2013-06-03
root-tail 1.2 2012-11-04
rootactions_servicemenu 2.7.3 2013-02-10
rss-glx 0.9.1 2012-10-02
rss-guard 1.1.2 2012-11-24
screenfetch 3.0.5 2013-07-08
searchmonkey 0.8.1 2012-10-02
simon 0.3.0 2012-10-02
skulpture 0.2.4 2012-10-02
slack-wallpapers 0.212 2013-06-30
slock 1.1 2013-02-20
smaragd 0.0.7 2012-10-02
spectrwm 2.3.0 2013-04-30
stalonetray 0.8.1 2013-03-02
subtle 0.11.3224_xi 2012-10-07
sync-engine 0.13 2012-10-02
synce-kpm 0.13 2012-10-02
thunar-archive-plugin 0.3.1 2013-06-17
thunar-dropbox 0.2.0 2012-10-02
thunar-media-tags-plugin 0.2.1 2013-06-17
thunar-sendto-clamtk 0.03 2012-10-02
thunar-thumbnailers 0.4.1 2012-10-02
thunar-vcs-plugin 0.1.4 2012-10-02
tint2 0.11 2012-10-02
trayer-srg git_r3478b35 2013-01-10
tty-clock git20130806 2013-08-06
un-fonts-core 1.0 2012-10-02
uwm 0.2.11 2013-07-19
vbox-runner 0.3.3 2012-10-02
vtwm 5.5.0_rc8 2012-10-02
vwm 2.0.2 2012-11-04
wally 2.4.4 2012-10-02
wbar 20120503svn_r51 2012-10-02
whaw 0.1.2 2012-10-02
wmCalClock 1.25 2012-10-02
wmMoonClock 1.27 2012-10-02
wmSun 1.10 2012-10-02
wmakerconf 2.12 2012-10-02
wmbackground 1.0.1 2012-11-13
wmbiff 0.4.27 2012-10-02
wmcliphist 1.0 2012-10-02
wmclock 1.0.13 2013-01-02
wmctrl 1.07 2012-10-02
wmdate 0.7 2012-10-02
wmdl 1.4.1 2012-10-02
wmdrawer 0.10.5 2012-10-02
wmfire 1.2.4 2012-10-02
wmfs 201104 2012-10-02
wmii 3.9.2 2012-10-02
wminfo 4.1.1 2013-04-15
wmmixer 1.5 2012-10-02
wmmon 1.0b2_14 2013-01-02
wmname 0.1 2012-10-02
wmnet 1.06 2012-10-02
wmphoto+ 1.1.1 2012-11-15
wmpower 0.5.1 2012-10-02 0.2.1 2012-10-02
wmswallow 0.6.1 2012-10-02
wmsystemtray 1.2 2012-10-02
wmtime 1.0b2 2012-10-02
wmtop 0.84 2012-10-02
wmudmount 1.13 2012-10-02
wmweather 2.4.5 2012-10-02
x-tile 2.5 2012-11-04
xcm 0.4.1 2012-10-02
xdgmenumaker 0.4 2013-03-03
xfce4-cpufreq-plugin 1.0.0 2012-10-02
xfce4-cpugraph-plugin 1.0.5 2012-10-02
xfce4-datetime-plugin 0.6.1 2012-10-02
xfce4-dict 0.7.0 2013-06-17
xfce4-diskperf-plugin 2.5.4 2012-10-02
xfce4-genmon-plugin 3.4.0 2012-10-02
xfce4-mailwatch-plugin 1.1.0 2013-08-12
xfce4-mount-plugin 0.6.4 2012-10-02
xfce4-mpc-plugin 0.4.4 2012-10-02
xfce4-netload-plugin 1.2.0 2012-10-02
xfce4-notes-plugin 1.7.7 2012-10-02
xfce4-places-plugin 1.5.0 2013-04-17
xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin 1.9.4 2012-10-02
xfce4-sensors-plugin 1.2.5 2012-10-13
xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin 0.4.5 2013-04-17
xfce4-verve-plugin 1.0.0 2012-10-02
xfce4-xkb-plugin 0.5.6 2013-06-27
xfce4-xmms-plugin 0.5.3 2012-10-02
xmms-skins-almond 1.2 2012-10-02
xmms-skins-ater 1.7 2013-07-13
xmms-status-plugin 1.0 2012-11-20
xmobar 0.16 2013-03-03
xmonad 0.11 2013-03-03
xonclock 2013-08-15
xpenguins 2.2 2012-10-02
xplanet 1.3.0 2012-10-02
xsession 1.1 2012-10-02
xtrascreenhacks 0.4 2012-10-02
xvkbd 3.5 2013-07-14
xwarppointer 20121213 2012-12-13
xxkb 1.11 2012-11-30
yad 2012-10-02
yawp 0.4.3 2013-02-10
zenity 3.6.0 2012-12-09

Validated for Slackware 14.0

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