SlackBuilds Repository

15.0 > Desktop > mate-desktop-environment (1.28)

mate-desktop-environment (continuation of GNOME 2)

The MATE Desktop Environment provides an intuitive and attractive
desktop environment using traditional metaphors for Linux and
other Unix-like operating systems while preserving a traditional
desktop experience.

By installing the packages listed by REQUIRES, a MATE Desktop with
similar user experience as with the xfce-install-set is obtained.

To bring even more MATE flavour to your desktop, you might want
to install additional packages from the MATE-project(provided by SBo):
-atril (document viewer)
-engrampa (file archiver)
-mate-calc (graphical calculator)
-mozo (menu editor using the menu specification)

This requires: leafpad, mate-system-monitor, caja, mate-screensaver, mate-session-manager, mate-utils, mate-settings-daemon, mate-power-manager, mate-control-center, mate-terminal, mate-media

Maintained by: Johannes Schoepfer
Keywords: mate
ChangeLog: mate-desktop-environment


Source Downloads:
yerba.jpg (7de8598303485009db26b3ca0efed98c)

Download SlackBuild:
mate-desktop-environment.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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