SlackBuilds Repository

15.0 > Academic > copasi (4.43.288)

COPASI is a package for modeling and simulation of chemical reaction
networks and other dynamical systems.

COPASI is a stand-alone program that simulates models of chemical
reaction networks using ODE/SDE solvers or Gillespie's stochastic
simulation algorithm. COPASI is compatible with models in SBML format.
It also performs several analyses, such as steady state, stability,
parameter sensitivity, elementary modes, Lyapunov exponents,
optimization, and parameter estimation. Data can be visualized in
plots, histograms and animations of network diagrams. COPASI's GUI is
based on QT, but a command line version is also included that allows
for processing computations in batch mode.

COPASI is a collaboration between research groups at the Biocomplexity
Institute and Initiative at University of Virginia, University of
Heidelberg, University of Connecticut, and previously the University
of Manchester, Virginia Tech, and the EML-Research.

Maintained by: Pedro Mendes
Keywords: copasi,simulation,modeling,biochemistry,chemistry,biology,dynamics
ChangeLog: copasi


Source Downloads (32bit): (2eb1afccd0697ab7b75a1177e89ce15b)

Source Downloads (64bit): (cf48d9dd2672f1ba676ddc457b71c91d)

Download SlackBuild:
copasi.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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