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15.0 > Python > python3-PyMuPDF (1.24.5)

PyMuPDF adds Python bindings and abstractions to MuPDF, a lightweight
PDF, XPS, and eBook viewer, renderer, and toolkit. Both PyMuPDF and
MuPDF are maintained and developed by Artifex Software, Inc.

MuPDF can access files in PDF, XPS, OpenXPS, CBZ, EPUB and FB2 (eBooks)
formats, and it is known for its top performance and exceptional
rendering quality.

With PyMuPDF you can access files with extensions like .pdf, .xps,
.oxps, .cbz, .fb2 or .epub. In addition, about 10 popular image formats
can also be handled like documents: .png, .jpg, .bmp, .tiff, etc.

krop (available on SBo) can use PyMuPDF for both rendering and cropping.

Mupdf is not a dependency because all of the necessary code is built
into PyMuPDF.

Optional runtime dependencies are python3-fonttools, tesseract, and

To enable Tesseract OCR functions in PyMuPDF, the software must be
installed and the system environment variable TESSDATA_PREFIX must
be defined as follows:
export TESSDATA_PREFIX=/usr/share/tessdata

This requires: python3-psutil

Maintained by: Alexander Verbovetsky
Keywords: pdf,mupdf,python,crop,krop
ChangeLog: python3-PyMuPDF


Source Downloads:
mupdf-1.24.2-source.tar.lz (d8f835e414202946d1c6c8192dd4315d)
PyMuPDF-1.24.5.tar.gz (17685079ad4d5a534404285a8047e900)

Download SlackBuild:
python3-PyMuPDF.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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