SlackBuilds Repository

15.0 > Audio > audacity (3.5.1)

Audacity is free, open source software for recording and editing sounds.
With Audacity one can record live audio, convert tapes and records into
digital recordings, edit Ogg, MP3, and WAV sound files, and much more.

Optional dependencies (autodetected) are jack, ladspa_sdk, soundtouch,
twolame, vamp-plugin-sdk and vst3sdk.

The offline html manual will be packaged with the application and put
in the /usr/doc/audacity-* directory only if you pass the script the
additional option
From the application you will be able only to access the online manual
with the default browser when selecting manual from the menu.

- for audacity to build/run wxWidgets needs to be built with
support for gtk+3 (it won't work if you build it against qt).
- this SlackBuild won't work if you built wxWidgets with STL=yes
- audacity requires SSE2 support on x86 (32bit) host cpus.

This requires: portmidi, soxr, rapidjson, suil, lilv, portaudio, wxWidgets, libsbsms, portsmf

Maintained by: Matteo Bernardini
Keywords: audacity,sound,editor,music,tracks,wav,mp3
ChangeLog: audacity


Source Downloads:
audacity-sources-3.5.1.tar.gz (42d866855b2563dc0ec50b9c38476a0d)
audacity-manual-3.5.1.tar.gz (237e90933f6367311dcc81a5dd53d075)

Download SlackBuild:
audacity.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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