urlview is a curses program for extracting URLs from text files and
displaying a menu from which you can select a specific URL to view using
your favorite browser program.
It was originally part of mutt. See /etc/urlview.conf on how to configure
mutt, tin, or your default browser.
Please be aware that /etc/urlview.conf and /usr/bin/url_handler.sh are
configuration files, so they are not overwritten on upgrades. Be sure to
merge/move the .new files after each upgrade.
Maintained by: Michael Wagner
Keywords: mutt,url,tin,curses
ChangeLog: urlview
Download SlackBuild:
urlview.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)
(the SlackBuild does not include the source)
Individual Files: |
doinst.sh |
patches |
patches.tar.gz |
patches.tar.gz.asc |
slack-desc |
urlview.SlackBuild |
urlview.info |
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