This script is for Slackware 12.0 only and may be outdated.

SlackBuilds Repository

12.0 > Libraries > reportlab (2.1)

The ReportLab Open Source PDF library is a proven industry-strength
python-based PDF generating solution, suitable for web publishers,
developers or creative design professionals who need to quickly and
easily create or automate complex (even data-driven) documents.
It is released by ReportLab Inc., under BSD license.

It has the following features:
- create professional portable documents
- real document layout engine (Platypus)
- flowable objects such as paragraphs, headlines, tables, images,
graphics, etc.
- arbitrary Type-1 fonts
- bitmap images, vector graphics
- library of reusable primitive shapes
- extensible widget library
- uses Python, a clean OO language
- layered architecture
- includes simple demos and more complex tools
- allows for any data sources
- fully available source code
- strong community support
- platform-independent
- includes PythonPoint - PDF Presentation Tool

If pil (Python Imaging library) is installed (it is available from too), reportlab can use it for working with bitmap

Maintained by: LukenShiro
Keywords: pdf,report
ChangeLog: reportlab


Source Downloads:
ReportLab_2_1.tgz (d6eefe9e6e06aaa1315462045c9726ba)

Download SlackBuild:
reportlab.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Individual Files:

Validated for Slackware 12.0

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