Faad2 is the fastest ISO AAC audio decoder available.
Faad2 correctly decodes all MPEG-4 and MPEG-2 MAIN, LC (Low Complexity),
HE (High Efficiency), LTP (Long Term Prediction), LD (Low Delay), and
ER (Error Resiliency) object type AAC files.
Faad2 includes code for SBR (HE AAC) decoding.
Maintained by: Niklas 'Nille' Åkerström
Keywords: faac,audio,mpeg,aac,encoder,sbr
ChangeLog: faad2
Download SlackBuild:
faad2.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)
(the SlackBuild does not include the source)
Individual Files: |
faad2.SlackBuild |
faad2.info |
slack-desc |
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