WhySynth is a versatile softsynth which operates as a plugin for the
DSSI Soft Synth Interface and is useable with apps like Qtractor and
Ardour. It features 4 oscillators, 2 filters, 3 LFOs, and 5 env
generators per voice, plus effects.
It also has many pre-sets, so if you just want to install a DAW and
a soft synth so you can start noodling around with neat synth sounds,
start with this one.
You'll probably also want to install a DAW like qtractor or ardour.
This requires: dssi, set_rlimits, qjackctl
Maintained by: Klaatu
Keywords: soft snyth,dissi,qtractor,ardour,midi
ChangeLog: whysynth
Download SlackBuild:
whysynth.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)
(the SlackBuild does not include the source)
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whysynth.SlackBuild |
whysynth.info |
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