This script is for Slackware 14.1 only and may be outdated.

SlackBuilds Repository

14.1 > Games > atari800 (3.1.0)

atari800 (Atari 8-bit computer emulator)

This is free and portable Atari 8-bit computer and 5200 console emulator,
originally written by David Firth and now developed by the Atari800
Development Team. This program is copyrighted and released under the GPL.

This build uses SDL for audio, and SDL+OpenGL for video by default. To
build without OpenGL support (SDL software rendering only), set OPENGL=no
in the script's environment.

To run Atari software with atari800, you'll need the Atari system ROMs.
These are packaged on SBo as atari800_roms.

This requires: atari800_roms

Maintained by: B. Watson
Keywords: atari,emulator,8-bit,400,800,600xl,800xl,1200xl,130xe,65xe,5200,6502
ChangeLog: atari800


Source Downloads:
atari800-3.1.0.tar.gz (354f8756a7f33cf5b7a56377d1759e41)

Download SlackBuild:
atari800.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 14.1

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