Odamex (Online Doom Multiplayer Experience) is a modification of DOOM
to allow players to compete with each other over the Internet using the
client/server architecture.
To hear in-game music, install either eawpats or freepats, and make sure
the Options -> Sound Options -> MIDI System Backend option is set to
"SDL Mixer".
Optional dependency: If portmidi is installed, odamex will be built with
it. This allows odamex's in-game music to be directed to a separate MIDI
synthesizer application, or a hardware MIDI synth.
You'll also need the game data (WAD file) from one of the following:
Shareware Doom v1.9 (DOOM1.WAD, aka 'doom_shareware_data' SBo build)
Ultimate Doom v1.9 (DOOM.WAD)
Doom II v1.9 (DOOM2.WAD)
Final Doom: TNT Evilution v1.9 (TNT.WAD)
Final Doom: The Plutonia Experiment v1.9 (PLUTONIA.WAD)
FreeDoom >=0.6.2 (FREEDOOM.WAD aka 'freedoom' SBo build)
Place the WAD file(s) in /usr/share/games/doom. The filenames can be
all lowercase (doom.wad) or all uppercase (DOOM.WAD).
Optional dependency: miniupnpc (auto-detected at build time). This adds
support for UPnP to odasrv (the odamex server). It has no effect on odamex
(the client) or odalaunch (the launcher).
Note: If you get compile errors relating to wxIntPtr not being defined,
upgrade your wxPython or wxGTK package to at least version If
for some reason you don't want to do this, see the comments in the
SlackBuild for a dirty hack that might work instead.
This requires: wxGTK3
Maintained by: B. Watson
Keywords: doom,doom2,fps,id,wad,idtech1
ChangeLog: odamex
Download SlackBuild:
odamex.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)
(the SlackBuild does not include the source)
Individual Files: |
doinst.sh |
odamex.6 |
odamex.SlackBuild |
odamex.info |
odamex.pod |
odasrv.cfg |
slack-desc |
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