This script is for Slackware 14.1 only and may be outdated.

SlackBuilds Repository

14.1 > Games > warsow (2.01)

Warsow - A Fast Paced First Person Shooter Game

Set in a futuristic cartoon-like world where rocketlauncher-wielding
pigs and lasergun-carrying cyberpunks roam the streets, Warsow is a
completely free fast-paced first-person shooter (FPS) for Windows,
Linux and Mac OS X.

Speed and movement, that's what Warsow is all about. Like a true
cyberathlete you jump, dash, dodge and walljump your way through the
game. Grab those power-ups before your enemy does, plant the bomb
before anyone sees you, and steal the enemy's flag before anyone
knows what's going on!

This requires: OpenAL, SDL2

Maintained by: Kevin Paulus
Keywords: shooter,FPS,war,first-person-shooter,first person shooter,warsow,games ,cell,shading,fps
ChangeLog: warsow


Source Downloads:
warsow_201_unified.tar.gz (fee194075847f9a2508f65da89b6cfea)
warsow_201_sdk.tar.gz (e66809592094f45ec853b460ccaaa579)

Download SlackBuild:
warsow.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 14.1

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