Popcorn Time is a multi-platform, open source BitTorrent client
that includes an integrated media player. The program is a free
alternative to subscription-based video streaming services such
as Netflix. Popcorn Time uses sequential downloading to play
copies of films listed by the website yts.to, also known as YIFY
(although other trackers can be added and used manually).
Maintained by: Matthew Kuzminski
Keywords: popcorn,popcorntime,torrent,netflix,yify
ChangeLog: popcorntime
Download SlackBuild:
popcorntime.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)
(the SlackBuild does not include the source)
Individual Files: |
doinst.sh |
popcorntime.SlackBuild |
popcorntime.desktop |
popcorntime.info |
popcorntime.png |
slack-desc |
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