This script is for Slackware 14.1 only and may be outdated.

SlackBuilds Repository

14.1 > Network > greenbone-security-assistant (6.0.5)

greenbone-security-assistant (UI for OpenVAS)

This is the UI the Open Vulnerability Assessment System (OpenVAS).

###### Known Problems ######

- PDF report generation is broken. This may get fixed in a future slackbuild.

- All the daemons run as root. There's no (working) configuration options
or documentation to change this behavior.

- There are a number of tests that depend on other software packages that are
not available as slackbuilds at this time. Stay tuned.

- If you're running in a VM environment, or on a headless server, then
installing haveged is recommended, particularly for step 11 below.

###### Upgrade Notes ######

If you're updating from OpenVAS-7 to OpenVAS-8, please note the following.
(See: if you're unsure which
version you're running.)

Openvas now uses redis as a temporary database while running scans. You will
need redis installed and running, as well as hiredis. See step 2 below on
how to configure redis.

Before running openvas-manager, you'll need to migrate the database. Simply
# openvasmd --migrate

###### Installation Instructions ######

These instructions assume you're familiar with slackbuilds. If not, please
refer to .

1. Build and install hiredis.

2. Build and install redis. You need to uncomment the following 2 lines in the
/etc/redis/redis.conf file:
#unixsocket /tmp/redis.sock
#unixsocketperm 700
Now start up redis:
# sh /etc/rc.d/rc.redis start

3. Build and install openvas-libraries.

4. Build and install openvas-scanner.

5. You need a Certificate Authority and server certificate. Run the following
# openvas-mkcert

6. You need the NVT's (Network Vulnerability Tests). Run the following
command to sync. In the future, you can do this through the
greenbone-security-assistant interface. This will take a minute or so
with a blazing fast internet connection. YMMV.
# openvas-nvt-sync

7. Start the openvas-scanner daemon.
# sh /etc/rc.d/rc.openvassd start

8. Build and install openvas-manager.

9. You need client certificates for manager to talk to scanner. Use the
following command.
# openvas-mkcert-client -n -i

10. Initialize the manager database. This will take a while, so be patient.
# openvasmd --rebuild

11. You want encrypted credentials in the DB, so do this now.
# openvasmd --create-credentials-encryption-key
This may take a while, so it's best to create some entropy by skipping to
#13-#15 and then coming back, if needed.

12. Create a user.
# openvasmd --create-user=cary
If you find the assigned password hard to remember, you can change it
right now.
# openvasmd --user=cary --new-password=mekmitasdigoat

13. Sync SCAP data. This will take some time.
# openvas-scapdata-sync

14. Sync CERT data.
# openvas-certdata-sync

15. Update port names.
# wget
# openvas-portnames-update service-names-port-numbers.xml
# rm service-names-port-numbers.xml

16. Start the openvas-manager daemon.
# sh /etc/rc.d/rc.openvasmd start

17. Build and install libmicrohttpd.

18. Build and install greenbone-security-assistant.

19. Launch the greenbone-security-assistant.
# sh /etc/rc.d/rc.gsad start

20. Point your browser at https://<YOUR IP OR HOSTNAME>:9392
You'll get a certificate error, of course (fixing this is left as an
excercise for the reader). Log in with your username/password from #12.

21. [Optional] Build and install openvas-cli. You'll need this if you ever
want to script tests.

That's it! If you run into any problems, you can try running the
openvas-check-setup script found here:

If you don't have a web-server running, you can edit the /etc/rc.d/rc.gsad
script to remove the "-p 9392" option, and it will run on port 443.

Please let me know if you run into any problems. Patches welcome!

Have Fun!

Kent Fritz

This requires: libmicrohttpd, openvas-libraries

Maintained by: Kent Fritz
Keywords: penetraton testing,framework,openvas,security,scanner
ChangeLog: greenbone-security-assistant


Source Downloads:
greenbone-security-assistant-6.0.5.tar.gz (ee69ddbd449401ca85a25f50f28291ac)

Download SlackBuild:
greenbone-security-assistant.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 14.1

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