Apache FOP is a print formatter driven by XSL formatting objects. It
is a Java application that reads a formatting object tree conforming
to the XSL 1.1 Recommendation (05 December 2006) and then turns it
into a PDF document, certain other output formats or allows you to
preview it directly on screen.
Note that not all parts of the XSL 1.1 specification have yet been
This requires: jai, apache-ant
Maintained by: Thorn Inurcide
Keywords: fop,apache-fop,apache,pdf
ChangeLog: fop
Download SlackBuild:
fop.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)
(the SlackBuild does not include the source)
Individual Files: |
README.postinst |
fop.SlackBuild |
fop.info |
slack-desc |
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