This script is for Slackware 14.1 only and may be outdated.

SlackBuilds Repository

14.1 > System > ded (20150704)

ded (directory editor)

ded (pronounced "dee–eee–dee") allows you to navigate through multiple
file lists or a directory tree, viewing or changing file attributes
rapidly. In addition to conventional file information, it operates on
the file's RCS or SCCS archives (or CVS or SVN, etc), making it useful
for source-control as well as system administration. Curses-based,
it runs on UNIX systems.

For those unfamiliar with ded, it's vaguely similar to Midnight Commander,
or dired mode in Emacs, but with vi-like key bindings. Press h while
ded is running to see its help screen.

Maintained by: B. Watson
Keywords: rcs,file management,revision control,dired,curses,console,tree
ChangeLog: ded


Source Downloads:
ded-20150704.tgz (bd67175c28e44540e32f00cbc1151257)
td_lib-20150704.tgz (d647ee3e2f3be918a3cef4907ec52cb0)

Download SlackBuild:
ded.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Individual Files:

Validated for Slackware 14.1

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