This script is for Slackware 14.1 only and may be outdated.

SlackBuilds Repository

14.1 > System > nvidia-driver (352.63)

This is the proprietary binary video driver from NVidia for the X.Org
X-server. This package does not include the kernel-module - it is a
part of the nvidia-kernel package at

Installing the 32-bit compatibility libraries is available: if desired, do:
COMPAT32="yes" ./nvidia-driver.SlackBuild

Several useful utilities are included: nvidia-xsettings, nvidia-smi, and
nvidia-settings. Please refer to the Nvidia documentation and man pages
for details and usage.

For CUDA/OpenCL to work after reboot, you might need to include the
following line in your /etc/rc.d/rc.local:
# Create missing nvidia device nodes after reboot
/usr/bin/nvidia-modprobe -c 0 -u

Since this nvidia-driver conflicts with some files of xorg, it's a bit
complex to install/uninstall the driver. However, installation of the
nvidia-driver package itself backs up the conflicting files and puts the
nvidia-specific files into place.

Included is a script called nvidia-switch, which is used to switch from the
xorg driver to the nvidia driver, but it will not edit xorg.conf for you;
you have to do that manually. The nvidia-switch script is installed to
/usr/sbin. NOTE: Although nvidia-switch is aware of a COMPAT32 environment,
its use therein is not supported.

Usage of nvidia-switch:
nvidia-switch --install <--> install the nvidia files and save the
stock xorg files.
nvidia-switch --remove <--> remove the nvidia files and symlinks and
restore the stock xorg files.

You do NOT have to run nvidia-switch after installing the package.

Before uninstalling or upgrading this package, it is important that you execute
'nvidia-switch --remove', which will switch back to the stock xorg files
and remove all links created by nvidia-switch during installation. If you forget
to do this, you might have to do the switch manually, since 'nvidia-switch --install'
may fail, resulting in xorg not working. Here are the affected files:
Simply remove the dead nvidia symlinks and rename the saved '-xorg' appended files.

This requires: libvdpau, nvidia-kernel

Maintained by: Edward W. Koenig
Keywords: nvidia,nvidia-graphics-driver,kernel,driver,nv,module,
ChangeLog: nvidia-driver


Source Downloads (Arch-Independent):
nvidia-installer-352.63.tar.bz2 (805ae3c1167a0472dd62bcb036364ab3)
nvidia-modprobe-352.63.tar.bz2 (6bb15d188e90dfe99ce0fd0e7bd1c926)
nvidia-persistenced-352.63.tar.bz2 (88c1bdd242f1aa34d5b98b1ff12a24f7)
nvidia-settings-352.63.tar.bz2 (daf3b3b4847039d3028a1a2200448277)
nvidia-xconfig-352.63.tar.bz2 (a52e338d6c50560d4696b4531fe6b2cb)

Source Downloads (32bit): (7882ecda1763504beb10af77a21b21c5)

Source Downloads (64bit): (d4127834036fe24ec7a07999dadf3529)

Download SlackBuild:
nvidia-driver.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 14.1

See our HOWTO for instructions on how to use the contents of this repository.

Access to the repository is available via:
ftp git cgit http rsync

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