SlackBuilds Repository

15.0 > Development > mle (1.7.2)

mle (flexible terminal-based text editor)

mle is a small, flexible, terminal-based text editor written in C. It
aims to keep its codebase small, minimize build-time and run-time
dependencies, be extensible and configurable, favor simplicity over
portability, and use shell commands to enhance functionality.

*Small codebase (~10k sloc)
*Full UTF-8 support
*Syntax highlighting
*Stackable key maps (modes)
*Extensible via Lua
*Scriptable rc file
*Key macros
*Multiple splittable windows
*Regex search and replace
*Large file support
*Incremental search
*Linear undo and redo
*Multiple cursors
*Auto indent
*Headless mode
*Navigation via ctags
*Movement via less
*Fuzzy file search via fzf
*File browsing via tree
*File grep via grep
*String manip via perl

fzf is optional but needed if you wish to use fuzzy file search.

Maintained by: Samuel Young
Keywords: editor,text editor,terminal,console
ChangeLog: mle


Source Downloads:
mle-1.7.2.tar.gz (9eb3abf2d5b26e9f8c2728208730501a)

Download SlackBuild:
mle.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Individual Files:

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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