SlackBuilds Repository

15.0 > Multimedia > mpv (0.38.0)

mpv is a movie player based on MPlayer and mplayer2. It shares some
features with the former projects while introducing many more. It
supports a wide variety of video file formats, audio and video codecs,
and subtitle types.

This SlackBuild provides support for most useful optional features.
Some other optional features may be enabled by having the relevant
packages installed; they will be autodetected at build time.
These include:
jack, libuchardet, oss, rubberband, cudatoolkit, nv-codec-headers

Please note that CUDA based hardware acceleration requires mpv to be
built with both the cudatoolkit and nv-codec-headers packages installed.

Since Pipewire is not configured as the default in Slackware,
its use is disabled in this SlackBuild. To enable Pipewire, run the
SlackBuild with the USE_PIPEWIRE environment variable set e.g.
USE_PIPEWIRE=yes sh mpv.SlackBuild

Most dependencies are autodetected. Some optional dependencies are
disabled by default and may be enabled via the BUILD_OPTS environment
variable. Optional dependencies that are enabled by default may be
disabled in the same way.

For example, to enable support for OpenAL and SDL2 (both disabled
by default) as well as to disable javascript support (normally
autodetected), you could run:

BUILD_OPTS="-Dopenal=enabled -Dsdl2=enabled -Djavascript=disabled" \
sh mpv.SlackBuild

Runtime support for youtube videos requires installation of youtube-dl
(available from SBo) to be installed. Watch with something like:

To enable building with meson/ninja (recommended since waf build is
to be deprecated), a patch is required to enable use of Slackware 15's
older version of meson. Unfortunately this disables the ability to
process configuration/building on Raspberry Pi.

This requires: luajit, libplacebo, libass, mujs

Maintained by: Christoph Willing
Keywords: mpv,media player
ChangeLog: mpv


Source Downloads:
mpv-0.38.0.tar.gz (7c1a400867e8930f037efc86c1f90a14)

Download SlackBuild:
mpv.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Individual Files:

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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Access to the repository is available via:
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