Xfce4 Mailwatch Plugin is a multi-protocol, multi-mailbox mail watcher
for the Xfce4 panel.
* IMAP and Secure IMAP support
* POP3 and Secure POP3 support
* Local Mbox mailbox support
* Local Maildir mailbox support
* Local MH-Maildir mailbox support
* GMail support
* Fully multithreaded design: no panel lockups
* Informative new-message breakdown in tooltip
* Ability to run program on new messages or button click
* Informative logger to help track down mail connection problems
Maintained by: Ján Sučan
Keywords: ,xfce,goodies,plugin,mail,imap,pop3,mbox,maildir,gmail
ChangeLog: xfce4-mailwatch-plugin
Download SlackBuild:
xfce4-mailwatch-plugin.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)
(the SlackBuild does not include the source)
Individual Files: |
doinst.sh |
slack-desc |
xfce4-mailwatch-plugin.SlackBuild |
xfce4-mailwatch-plugin.info |
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