This script is for Slackware 11.0 only and may be outdated.

SlackBuilds Repository

11.0 > Desktop > wmctrl (1.07)

wmctrl is a command line tool to interact with an EWMH/NetWM compatible
X Window Manager.

The wmctrl program is a command line tool to interact with an EWMH / NetWM
compatible X Window Manager. It provides command line access to almost all
of the features defined in the EWMH specification. It's possible to, for
example, obtain information about the window manager, get a detailed list
of desktops and managed windows, switch and resize desktops, change the
number of desktops, make windows full-screen, always-above, or sticky, and
activate, close, move, resize, maximize, and minimize them. The command line
access makes it easy to automate these tasks and execute them from any
application that is able to run a command in response to some event.

Maintained by: Vasilis Papavasileiou
Keywords: wm,x11,ewmh,netwm
ChangeLog: wmctrl


Source Downloads:
wmctrl-1.07.tar.gz (1fe3c7a2caa6071e071ba34f587e1555)

Download SlackBuild:
wmctrl.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Individual Files:

Validated for Slackware 11.0

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