REDUCE is an interactive system for general algebraic computations of
interest to mathematicians, scientists and engineers. It can be used
interactively for simple calculations but also provides a flexible and
expressive user programming language.
The development of the REDUCE computer algebra system was started in the
1960s by Anthony C. Hearn. Since then, many scientists from all over
the world have contributed to its development. REDUCE has a long and
distinguished place in the history of computer algebra systems. Other
systems that address some of the same issues but sometimes with rather
different emphasis are Axiom, Derive, Macsyma (Maxima), Maple,
Mathematica and MuPAD.
REDUCE primarily runs on either Portable Standard Lisp (PSL) or Codemist
Standard Lisp (CSL), both of which are included in the SourceForge
distribution. By modern standards, REDUCE is a surprisingly small and
compact application, which runs well on all major operating systems.
Maintained by: Alexander Verbovetsky
Keywords: REDUCE,CAS,symbolic,mathematics,math,algebra,lisp,csl,psl,computer algebra system,axiom,derive,macsyma,maxima,maple,mathematica,mupad
ChangeLog: reduce-algebra
Download SlackBuild:
reduce-algebra.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)
(the SlackBuild does not include the source)
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