This script is for Slackware 14.2 only and may be outdated.

SlackBuilds Repository

14.2 > Development > gcclegacy494 (4.9.4)

The GNU Compiler Collection includes front ends for C, C++,
Objective-C, Fortran, Ada, and Go, as well as libraries for these
languages (libstdc++,...). GCC was originally written as the compiler
for the GNU operating system. The GNU system was developed to be 100%
free software, free in the sense that it respects the user's freedom.

This script only compiles the GNU C, and C++ front ends. This script
was written with the intention to compile a better PaleMoon.

Maintained by: khronosschoty
Keywords: Gnu,C,C++,compiler,gcc,g++,Pale Moon,palemoon
ChangeLog: gcclegacy494


Source Downloads:
gmp-4.3.2.tar.bz2 (dd60683d7057917e34630b4a787932e8)
gcc-4.9.4.tar.gz (b92b423b2f8f517c909fda2621ff2d7c)
cloog-0.18.1.tar.gz (e34fca0540d840e5d0f6427e98c92252)
isl-0.12.2.tar.bz2 (e039bfcfb6c2ab039b8ee69bf883e824)
mpc-0.8.1.tar.gz (5b34aa804d514cc295414a963aedb6bf)
mpfr-2.4.2.tar.bz2 (89e59fe665e2b3ad44a6789f40b059a0)

Download SlackBuild:
gcclegacy494.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 14.2

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