While Inno Setup is a tool to create installers for Microsoft Windows
applications, innoextract allows you to extract such installers without
using Wine. In particular, innoextract supports GOG.com installers and
Arx Fatalis patches.
To extract a file to the current directory, run:
$ innoextract <file>
A list of available options can be retrieved using:
$ innoextract --help
Documentation is also available as a manpage.
Maintained by: Ruoh-Shoei Lin
Keywords: inno,inno setup,innosetup,exe,windows,microsoft,gog,gog.com,extract,inno extract
ChangeLog: innoextract
Download SlackBuild:
innoextract.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)
(the SlackBuild does not include the source)
Individual Files: |
innoextract.SlackBuild |
innoextract.info |
slack-desc |
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