This script is for Slackware 14.2 only and may be outdated.

SlackBuilds Repository

14.2 > Games > pioneer (20191117)

Pioneer is a space adventure game set in the Milky Way galaxy at the
turn of the 31st century.

The game is open-ended, and you are free to explore the millions of star
systems in the game. You can land on planets, slingshot past gas giants,
and burn yourself to a crisp flying between binary star systems. You can
try your hand at piracy, make your fortune trading between systems, or
do missions for the various factions fighting for power, freedom or

WARNING: If pioneer is already installed, uninstall it before compiling
or important game data may be missing and pioneer will fail to start.

OpenGL core profile version 3.1 or newer is a runtime dependency, to
determine what version of OpenGL is installed use:

glxinfo | grep "core profile version"

Note: If you have intel or amd GPU with free drivers, it is recommended
to install libtxc_dxtn as well.

lua52 is an optional dependency.

To build with debugging support use:

DEBUG="yes" ./pioneer.SlackBuild

This requires: assimp, SDL2_image

Maintained by: Hunter Sezen
Keywords: pioneer,space,simulator,sim,exploration,adventure,sdl2
ChangeLog: pioneer


Source Downloads:
pioneer-20191117.tar.gz (4b7b7e5119b371b65cd61f45c6747dad)

Download SlackBuild:
pioneer.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 14.2

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Access to the repository is available via:
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