This script is for Slackware 14.2 only and may be outdated.

SlackBuilds Repository

14.2 > Multimedia > QMPlay2 (18.12.26)

QMPlay2 (video/audio player which can play most formats and codecs)

QMPlay2 is a video and audio player which can play most formats and

Do you know?

* QMPlay2 supports most formats and codecs supported by FFmpeg;
* QMPlay2 can use youtube-dl - useful for playing various network
streams just from the web page address;
* QMPlay2 has integrated libmodplug extended to play J2B
(Jazz Jackrabbit 2) and SFX (Amiga) modules;
* QMPlay2 can play various network streams (http, https, rtsp,
rtmp, mms, ...);
* QMPlay2 has integrated YouTube and Prostopleer browser;
* QMPlay2 can play Chiptunes via libgme and libsidplayfp;
* QMPlay2 can play AudioCD, read CD-TEXT and CDDB;
* QMPlay2 can play Rayman2 (*.apm) music.

Optional dependencies: libsidplayfp, youtube-dl.

This requires: libass, qt5, ffmpeg, libgme

Maintained by: Edinaldo P. Silva
Keywords: player,audio,video,subtitles,radio,youtube,downloading videos,qmplay2,
ChangeLog: QMPlay2


Source Downloads:
QMPlay2-18.12.26.tar.gz (d8169c445dec1503b21791b82d9eedd8)

Download SlackBuild:
QMPlay2.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Individual Files:

Validated for Slackware 14.2

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