This script is for Slackware 14.2 only and may be outdated.

SlackBuilds Repository

14.2 > Network > ckermit (9.0.304.23)

C-Kermit is a combined network and serial communication software
package offering a consistent, transport-independent, cross-platform
approach to connection establishment, terminal sessions, file
transfer, file management, character-set translation, numeric and
alphanumeric paging, and automation of file transfer and management,
dialogs, and communication tasks through its built-in scripting

C-Kermit includes:

* The fastest and most advanced implementation of the Kermit file
transfer protocol available anywhere.
* A powerful, portable, easy-to-use script programming language to
automate all your routine communications tasks.
* Consistent operation over serial connections (direct or dialed)
and network connections on a huge selection of hardware and
software platforms.
* Secure authentication and strong encryption.
* Built-in scriptable FTP and HTTP clients plus an SSH interface
* Configurability as an SSH Subsystem
* Character-set translation in both file transfer and online sessions,
for Western- and Eastern-European languages, Cyrillic, Greek,
Hebrew, and Japanese, now including Unicode.
* Ability to send numeric and alphanumeric pages.

This SlackBuild installs a default initialization file in the
documentation directory. However, an initialization file is rarely
required with ckermit.

Maintained by: Andrew Rowland
Keywords: ftp,kermit,file transfer
ChangeLog: ckermit


Source Downloads:
cku304-dev23.tar.gz (fd42607a8875409141bce3318f16ca4e)

Download SlackBuild:
ckermit.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 14.2

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