This script is for Slackware 14.2 only and may be outdated.

SlackBuilds Repository

14.2 > Network > firewalld (0.5.1)

Firewalld provides a dynamically managed firewall with support for
network or firewall zones to define the trust level of network
connections or interfaces. It has support for IPv4, IPv6 firewall
settings and for ethernet bridges and a separation of runtime and
permanent configuration options. It also provides an interface for
services or applications to add ip*tables and ebtables rules directly.

Please read the README.SLACKWARE file for additional information.

This requires: decorator, python-slip

Maintained by: stormtracknole
Keywords: firewall,pf,nftables
ChangeLog: firewalld


Source Downloads:
firewalld-0.5.1.tar.gz (38de1fad38d5635f04f8eb44bc2e25b1)

Download SlackBuild:
firewalld.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 14.2

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