This script is for Slackware 14.2 only and may be outdated.

SlackBuilds Repository

14.2 > Office > mtp2-fonts (2.1a)

MathTime Professional ver. 2 (MTPro2) fonts are mathematical TeX fonts
compatible with the Times Roman text fonts. They were created by
Michael Spivak of Publish or Perish Press. These are high-quality
commercial fonts. There is a free subset called "MTPro2 Lite" that
consists of 15 fonts and replaces the Computer Modern math fonts. The
complete set consists of 68 fonts and provides also script, curly,
Fraktur, bold math, blackboard bold fonts, and AMS symbols.

This SlackBuild can be used with both lite and complete MTPro2 font sets
and with both texlive and Slackware's tetex TeX distributions.

The complete fonts set zip archive should be named as

Maintained by: Alexander Verbovetsky
Keywords: tex,latex,texlive,tetex,font,math,times,mathtime,spivak,mtpro2,pctex
ChangeLog: mtp2-fonts


Source Downloads: (afd69b0d82ec8b32b7b012e5cfcd7d00)

Download SlackBuild:
mtp2-fonts.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 14.2

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