SlackBuilds Repository

15.0 > Desktop > mate-panel (1.28.2)

The mate-panel program provides the panels for the the MATE Desktop
Environment. It is the area on your desktop from which you can run
applications and applets, and perform other tasks. New applets may
also be installed ,added to, or removed from the panels.

By default, mate-panel typically creates a panel on the top of the
screen with applets such as a Menu Bar, Notification Area, and Clock;
While creating a second panel on the bottom of the screen with a Window
List and a Workspace Switcher. Panels can be created, deleted, moved
around the desktop, and to other monitors.

Optional dependency for help files:

This requires: gtk-layer-shell, libmateweather, mate-menus, mate-desktop

Maintained by: Johannes Schoepfer
Keywords: mate
ChangeLog: mate-panel


Source Downloads:
mate-panel-1.28.2.tar.xz (95ce4d4572142ad95fded34084522d3b)

Download SlackBuild:
mate-panel.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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