SlackBuilds Repository

15.0 > Desktop > mutter (41.9)

Mutter is a Wayland display server and X11 window manager and compositor

When used as a Wayland display server, it runs on top of KMS and
libinput. It implements the compositor side of the Wayland core protocol
as well as various protocol extensions. It also has functionality
related to running X11 applications using Xwayland.

When used on top of Xorg it acts as a X11 window manager and compositing
manager. It contains functionality related to, among other things,
window management, window compositing, focus tracking, workspace
management, keybindings and monitor configuration.

Internally it uses a fork of Cogl, a hardware acceleration abstraction
library used to simplify usage of OpenGL pipelines, as well as a fork of
Clutter, a scene graph and user interface toolkit.

Mutter is used by, for example, GNOME Shell, the GNOME core user
interface, and by Gala, elementary OS's window manager. It can also be
run standalone, using the command "mutter", but just running plain
mutter is only intended for debugging purposes.

This requires: gnome-settings-daemon

Maintained by: Bob Funk
Keywords: gnome,libmutter
ChangeLog: mutter


Source Downloads:
mutter-41.9.tar.xz (450ca77637be962cb8bd35bd1c3dec98)

Download SlackBuild:
mutter.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Individual Files:

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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