SlackBuilds Repository

15.0 > Desktop > nwg-shell-config (0.5.42)

nwg-shell-config (configurator for nwg-shell)

This program is a GUI to configure all the components in one place.
It also integrates several third party components, which we
arbitrarily found the best to build a coherent user experience.

This requires: geopy, playerctl, i3ipc, gtklock, wlsunset

Maintained by: Jay Lanagan
Keywords: sway,wayland,nwg-shell
ChangeLog: nwg-shell-config


Source Downloads:
Antu_distributor-logo-slackware.svg (bae7126cf7fbb634e09ddedd861a133d)
nwg-shell-config-0.5.42.tar.gz (7ae545a082ecc2ed5bca83754eb1a103)

Download SlackBuild:
nwg-shell-config.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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