SlackBuilds Repository

15.0 > Development > gambas3 (3.19.3)

Gambas is a free IDE based on a Basic interpreter with object
extensions, a bit like Visual Basic. With Gambas, you can quickly
design your program GUI with Qt5 or GTK+, access MySQL, PostgreSQL,
ODBC and SQLite3 databases, pilot applications with D-Bus, translate
your program into any language, create network applications easily,
make 3D OpenGL applications, make CGI web applications, and so on.

unixODBC, postgresql, and translate-shell are optional dependencies.

Note: You should uninstall any present version of gambas before
creating this package.

The Gambas ide can create slackware packages of your gambas programs,
but bear in mind that the install location is fixed as /usr/bin

This requires: alure, imlib, gtkglext, webkit2gtk4.1

Maintained by: Tim Dickson
Keywords: basic,visual basic,vb
ChangeLog: gambas3


Source Downloads:
gambas-3.19.3.tar.bz2 (99b1eafb58ae920a7efdd390c73c0c15)

Download SlackBuild:
gambas3.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Individual Files:

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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