SlackBuilds Repository

15.0 > Haskell > haskell-blaze-builder (

This library provides an abstraction of buffered output of byte
streams and several convenience functions to exploit it. For
example, it allows to efficiently serialize Haskell values to lazy
bytestrings with a large average chunk size. The large average
chunk size allows to make good use of cache prefetching in later
processing steps (e.g. compression) and reduces the sytem call
overhead when writing the resulting lazy bytestring to a file or
sending it over the network.

After uninstalling, run this command to unregister the package from
the ghc package database: ghc-pkg recache

This requires: ghc

Maintained by: David Spencer
ChangeLog: haskell-blaze-builder


Source Downloads:
blaze-builder- (c3cc5bdc46bd6e8bf5142cda2b0679b6)

Download SlackBuild:
haskell-blaze-builder.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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