SlackBuilds Repository

15.0 > Haskell > haskell-double-conversion (

A library that performs fast, accurate conversion between double
precision floating point and text.

This library is implemented as bindings to the C++ double-conversion
library written by Florian Loitsch at Google:

The Text versions of these functions are about 30 times faster than the
default show implementation for the Double type.

The ByteString versions are slower than the Text versions; roughly half
the speed. (This seems to be due to the cost of allocating ByteString
values via malloc.)

As a final note, be aware that the bytestring-show package is about 50%
slower than simply using show.

This requires: ghc

Maintained by: Jan-willem De Bleser
Keywords: text,bytestring,floating point
ChangeLog: haskell-double-conversion


Source Downloads:
double-conversion- (0c62a35daeaec90999922d4eb3b13c39)

Download SlackBuild:
haskell-double-conversion.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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