SlackBuilds Repository

15.0 > Misc > xclip (0.13)

Command line interface to the X11 Clipboard

xclip is a command line utility that is designed to run on any system
with an X11 implementation. It provides an interface to X selections
("the clipboard") from the command line. It can read data from standard
in or a file and place it in an X selection for pasting into other X
applications. xclip can also print an X selection to standard out, which
can then be redirected to a file or another program.

Maintained by: Lumin Etherlight
Keywords: clipboard,xclip
ChangeLog: xclip


Source Downloads:
xclip-0.13.tar.gz (81e49f56288f299e3389a019f2550ad2)

Download SlackBuild:
xclip.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Individual Files:

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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