SlackBuilds Repository

15.0 > Multimedia > vlc (3.0.20)

VLC media player is a free and open source media player and multi-
media framework written by the VideoLAN project. VLC is a portable
multimedia player, encoder, and streamer supporting many audio and
video codecs and file formats as well as DVDs, VCDs, and various
streaming protocols. It is able to stream over networks and to
transcode multimedia files and save them into various formats.

This build aims to support as many options as possible using
the SlackBuilds listed in the REQUIRES field of the file.
No script changes are necessary to include particular options; if they
are detected at build time, they will be included. Conversely if
optional packages are not available at build time, vlc will generally
continue to build with a reduced feature set.

Support for Wayland is a special case. It is not supported by default
but can be enabled setting the WAYLAND environment variable to "yes"
when running the SlackBuild e.g.
WAYLAND=yes sh vlc.SlackBuild

By default, the vlc runtime is not able to be run as root. This
security feature may be side stepped by building vlc with the RUNASROOT
environment variable set e.g.
RUNASROOT=yes sh vlc.SlackBuild

Playing of AV1 encoded video is supported when either of SBo's
multimedia/aom or libraries/dav1d packages is detected when vlc
is built. One of these is expected to become required in a future
release. Some versions of the automatically detected optional aom
package are incompatible with this version of vlc and in this case
the build will fail. This can be avoided by setting the AOM environment
variable to "no" e.g.
AOM=no sh vlc.SlackBuild

You may disable LUA support by setting the LUA environment variable.
This will remove the lua dependency e.g.
LUA=no sh vlc.SlackBuild

This requires: faac, faad2, jack, twolame, lua, protobuf3, chromaprint, libass, libavc1394, libdc1394, libdvbpsi, libdvdcss, libkate, libminizip, libmodplug, libmpeg2, libnfs, libsidplay2, libtar, projectM, dirac, rtmpdump, schroedinger, vcdimager, x264, x265, avahi, gnome-vfs, musepack-tools, live555, portaudio, zvbi, libdca, libshout, gsm

Maintained by: Steven Voges
Keywords: vlc,videolan,media player,media streamer
ChangeLog: vlc


Source Downloads:
vlc-3.0.20.tar.xz (e8337fcd2df92f3901dad091fb85f545)

Download SlackBuild:
vlc.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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