SlackBuilds Repository

15.0 > Network > opendmarc (1.4.2)

OpenDMARC is a free open source software implementation of the DMARC

Enable MySQL support: WITH_MYSQL=yes ./opendmarc.SlackBuild

Optional dependency (will be autodetected): libspf2

You must have a opendmarc user to run this script:

# groupadd -g 362 opendmarc
# useradd -u 362 -d /var/run/opendmarc \
-s /bin/false -g opendmarc opendmarc

And if you use postfix, add it to the group:

# usermod -a -G opendmarc postfix

More information post-install can be found in README.SLACKWARE

Maintained by: Mario Preksavec
ChangeLog: opendmarc


Source Downloads:
OpenDMARC-rel-opendmarc-1-4-2.tar.gz (658d951db84a0305b0c5d9312eff5b64)

Download SlackBuild:
opendmarc.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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