SlackBuilds Repository

15.0 > Office > homebank (5.8.2)

HomeBank is an easy personal finance software that will help you
managing your personal accounting. It is designed to easy to use
and be able to analyze your personal finances in detail using
powerful filtering tools and graphs.
Some of its features are:

* Cross platform, supports GNU/Linux, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X
* Import easily from Intuit Quicken, Microsoft Money or other software
* Import bank account statements (OFX/QFX, QIF, CSV)
* Duplicate transaction detection at import
* Multiple currencies, with online update
* Automatic cheque numbering
* Automatic category/payee assignment
* Various account types : Bank, Cash, Asset, Credit card, Liability
* Scheduled transaction, with post in advance option
* Transaction template
* Category split
* Internal transfer
* Simple Month/Annual budget
* Dynamic powerful reports with charts
* Vehicle cost
* Translated in around 56 languages

libofx is an optional recommended dependency.

This requires: libsoup3

Maintained by: Juan M. Lasca
Keywords: money,finances,bank,accounts,bank accounts
ChangeLog: homebank


Source Downloads:
homebank-5.8.2.tar.gz (88b0edea91f457018dfe176f89a7277d)

Download SlackBuild:
homebank.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Individual Files:

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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