SlackBuilds Repository

15.0 > Office > keepassxc (2.7.10)

KeePassXC is a password and personal data management application that
supports the KeePass Password Safe file format.

KeePassXC is a fork of KeePassX that aims to incorporate stalled Pull
Requests, features, and bug fixes that are not being incorporated into
the main KeePassX baseline. KeePassXC may be installed alongside
KeePassX (also available as a SlackBuild).

KeePassXC can be built with YubiKey two-factor authentication support
for unlocking the database. This introduces a dependency on
system/pcsc-lite and can be enabled by passing YUBIKEY=ON to the script.

Browser support is enabled by default, meaning that KeePassXC can
function as password storage for Mozilla Firefox and Chromium/Chrome.
This may be disabled by passing BROWSER=OFF to the script.

KeePassXC will be built with SSH agent support, allowing it to interact
with a running agent. This may be disabled by passing SSHAGENT=OFF to
the script.

Networking support, allowing website favicons to be downloaded, is
enabled by default. This maybe disabled by passing NETWORKING=OFF to the

To include documentation, DOCS=ON must be passed to the script.

Support for database sharing and synchronisation using KeeShare will be
enabled. It can be disabled by setting KEESHARE=OFF.

Support of FdoSecrets is disabled by default. It can be enabled by
passing FDOSECRETS=ON to the script

KeePassXC will not display a notification of new releases unless the
option UPDATECHECK=ON is provided.

Autotype may be disabled by passing AUTOTYPE=OFF.

As of version 2.7.0, keepassxc requires Botan, and as of 2.7.7,
keepassxc requires libminizip.

This requires: libminizip, Botan

Maintained by: ArTourter
Keywords: keepass,keepassx,keepassxc,password
ChangeLog: keepassxc


Source Downloads:
keepassxc-2.7.10-src.tar.xz (31dfc525fe84bc1985bb011482b8b327)

Download SlackBuild:
keepassxc.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Individual Files:

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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