SlackBuilds Repository

15.0 > Python > python3-sipsimple (5.3.0)

SIP SIMPLE client SDK is a Software Development Kit for development of
Real Time Applications based on SIP and related protocols for
Audio/Video, Instant Messaging, File Transfers, Desktop Sharing and
Presence. Other media types can be easily added by using an extensible
high-level API.

Its primary purpose is to be a dependency for the Blink SIP client.
It is also the backend for the sipclients3 command-line sip toolkit.

This build ships its own versions of pjsip/pjproject, and ZRTPCPP.
Please, report conflicts if discovered.

This requires: opencore-amr, greenlet, libilbc, python3-dateutil, python3-twisted, gsm, python3-dnspython, python3-eventlib, python3-gnutls, python3-otr, python3-msrplib, python3-xcaplib, libyuv, python3-lxml

Maintained by: Lockywolf
Keywords: sip,phone,calling,video calling,audio calling,strp,zrtp,dtls
ChangeLog: python3-sipsimple


Source Downloads (64bit):
python3-sipsimple-5.3.0.tar.gz (b7501cb3f173463f013b0777f4531f96)
pjproject-2.10.tar.gz (13e5c418008ae46c4ce0c1e27cdfe9b5)
ZRTPCPP-6b3cd8e6783642292bad0c21e3e5e5ce45ff3e03.tar.gz (9ffa563579f7fde59a797d1d994675e1)

Download SlackBuild:
python3-sipsimple.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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