SlackBuilds Repository

15.0 > System > nvidia-driver (565.77)

This is the proprietary binary video driver from NVidia for the X.Org
X-server. This package does not include the kernel-module - it is a
part of the nvidia-kernel package at

NOTE: 64-bit x86_64 support ONLY for Slackware64. For x86 32-bit
support, use nvidia-legacy390-{driver,kernel}

The Wine libraries are now installed by default. To disable, pass
WINE="no" to the script.

Installing the 32-bit compatibility libraries is available:
if desired, do:

COMPAT32="yes" ./nvidia-driver.SlackBuild

This script now gives the option of installing the nvidia-persistenced
daemon. For details, see README.nvidia-persistenced.

Several useful utilities are included: nvidia-xsettings, nvidia-smi,
and nvidia-settings. Please refer to the Nvidia documentation and
man pages for details and usage.

For CUDA/OpenCL to work after reboot, and for utilites such as
nvidia-smi, you might need to include the following line in your
(This is REQUIRED if you plan on running nvidia-persistenced)

# Create missing nvidia device nodes after reboot
/usr/bin/nvidia-modprobe -c 0 -u

1. You still need to blacklist the open source nouveau driver.
This is easily done by installing xf86-video-nouveau-blacklist in
extra/xf86-video-nouveau-blacklist on the distibution DVD.

CAUTION! Please DO NOT USE this script for Slackware(64) versions 14.2
or older as it WILL corrupt the mesa and xorg installations.
Please use the scripts from those repos instead.

This requires: nvidia-kernel

Maintained by: Lenard Spencer
Keywords: nvidia,nvidia-graphics-driver,kernel,driver,nv,module,
ChangeLog: nvidia-driver


Source Downloads (64bit): (48d9a5b5999d0f30ec8326c94b34945e)
nvidia-installer-565.77.tar.bz2 (b1ebf85cbc16dd8f950b5e2def4d2e35)
nvidia-modprobe-565.77.tar.bz2 (97f1b2001951bef9182590c8a2f40b09)
nvidia-persistenced-565.77.tar.bz2 (a720065ae2617b7201fda6ee1731e94f)
nvidia-settings-565.77.tar.bz2 (f7146d6be1a11e951444b066e883d3c0)
nvidia-xconfig-565.77.tar.bz2 (879e36d67c76b6012a2c1dcc67fc94d3)

Download SlackBuild:
nvidia-driver.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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